Clinic online booking (please select the correct clinic when booking):

Ludlow appointments: Mondays.
Lingen appointments: Wednesdays and Thursdays.

More Info


Click on the 'appointment type' at the top of the screen to read details about preparing for your appointment. For ear wax removal appointments: YOU ARE REQUIRED TO USE OLIVE OIL EAR DROPS/SPRAY FOR 3 DAYS (twice a day) PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT.


NOTE: FOOT CARE IS ONLY OFFERED AT THE LINGEN CLINIC. Clinic appointments are at: Lingen Village Hall, Lingen, SY7 0DY & The Spiro Clinic, Ludlow, SY8 1RT.

£20 reservation fee to secure your booking today! This is then deducted from the remaining cost of your appointment when you come to the clinic. 48-hour notice is required for a refund due to cancellation.

Please note that by contacting us from this website you are hereby agreeing to the data you provide us being stored and processed for purposes of establishing contact. You can revoke this consent at any time.